In Remembrance of Andrea Koenig

A sepia toned photograph of a candle. There are two additional blurry candles in the back ground.

It is with much sadness that we at LAST acknowledge the sudden death of Andrea Koenig who passed away on Wednesday, September 25, 2019. We would like to extend our deepest condolences to her friends and loved ones, and to those in our community who may not have had the chance to know her well, but still were touched by her advocacy. Our community has lost a passionate advocate. She will be remembered for her ready smile, her passion for her art, and her dedication to ending the stigma that many Autistic people face. She will be missed. 

While many of us were aware that she lived with epilepsy, her death is unexpected. Many of us may find ourselves grappling with the realities of early death in our community in the wake of this loss, and with the disparities in care and support that many Autistic adults face. If you are struggling with difficult emotions at this time local resources for crisis support are available on our resources page

Andrea not only believed that a world where Autistic people are accepted and supported was possible, but she was also tirelessly committed to making it a reality. Her loss will be felt, but her impact on those around her and her dream of a better world survives.

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